10 Common Utility Bill Errors

1 – Invoice Billing Period:
Over laps with a previous bill… each month billing days may be different.

2 – Balance Brought Forward:
Applied to wrong account…receiving a debit charge not associated with the correct account, from a different customer entirely, or even for a previous balance that has already been paid is more common than you think.

3 – Error in Invoice Calculation:
Most utility tariffs include multiple line items and energy charges…make sure calculations are correct.

4 – Supplier Contract Period Overlap:
Make sure your new energy agreement begins after the old energy agreement expires. You won’t incur costs from different suppliers over the same period of time.

5 – Exceptional Deviation Compared to Previous Periods:
Being able to identify if the cost or usage on a bill that is exceptionally high relative to a previous month can help lead you to any underlying problems.

6 – Invoice Sent for Closed Account:
Make sure you are not receiving an invoice on an account you have already closed…..what date did you close the account?

7 – Wrong Supply Rates Applied on A Bill:
Make sure each item on your bill has the correct energy supply charges.

8 – Account Credits Not Adjusted On New Invoice:
When billing errors have been identified make sure the credit is being applied and is carried forward and adjusted on your next bill.

9 – Incorrect Meter Reading:
Double check the meter reading on your bill to make sure it matches prior readings and doesn’t overlap with previous usage.

10 – Duplicate Line- Item Charges:
On occasion, utilities and energy suppliers will accidentally charge customers for the same line-item twice on one bill.

For more information on this topic… Contact:

Cardinal Energy Solutions Group

Richard E. Kline


Cell: 315-247-7767

Email: kliner26@rochester.rr.com